
The DESIS Assembly will take place side-by-side with ServDES – Service Design and Social Innovation Conference, hosted by Politecnico di Milano.

It will take place 18 June, 2-5 PM CET, Milan time
You can follow the DESIS Assembly by Zoom by clicking on this link: https://zoom.us/j/978447653

DESIS Assembly
Day: 18 June 2018, Monday
@ OpenKnowledge Milano
|Via Olona 2 – Milano|
(14:00 – 17:00)
(for those attending ServDes, this location is 15 min. walk from the Triennale di Milano, where the opening of the conference will take place).

More information about the Assembly can be accessed below (an editorial about the Assembly by the DESIS IC Carla Cipolla).

The ServDES conference will host also a DESIS workshop:

DESIS Workshop
“Between Servitude and Collaboration. A Service Design Choice?”
Day: 19 June 2018, Tuesday
@ Politecnico di Milano, Campus Bovisa Candiani
|Via Giuseppe Candiani 72 – Milano|
(14:00 – 15:30)
News about the workshop, here.


Carla Cipolla

Dear DESIS Network members

The DESIS Network Assembly is an event required by the DESIS Network statute. It is the forum at which formal collective decisions are taken, and it is also an opportunity for networking and knowledge exchange between DESIS Lab members.

We have always adopted the practice of organising DESIS Assemblies side-by-side with conferences and, since the very start of our network, this has been done exclusively with Cumulus conferences. Next year, however, the DESIS Assembly will take place side-by-side with ServDES – Service Design and Social Innovation Conference, hosted by Politecnico di Milano in June 2018  (a previous post can be accessed here)

Our Assembly will take place on 18th June 2018, from 2 to 5 PM (CET), and ServDES organisers will confirm the venue asap.  All Lab representatives are invited to participate (and for those who cannot attend in presence, we are working to set a digital connection in Zoom).   The details (venue and access to Zoom connection) will be opportunely updated in the DESIS website.

This Assembly will be the opportunity for three activities:

  • Discuss and review the results of the current and past projects and initiatives, such as the DESIS Map, DESIS Global Talk, the Thematic Areas (TA), the Thematic Clusters (TC) and DESIS Philosophy Talks; in particular, the call for projects to the Thematic Areas (TA) that received an expressive feedback from DESIS members;
  • Present and analyse the activities developed in the framework of the IC coordination plan 2017-2019;
  • Define the International Coordinator who will be in charge for the next two years (starting in January 2019). It is quite early as the current international coordinator (IC) mandate have not even completed one year and a half, but this Assembly will be the opportunity to discuss it. I´m available, and I would be glad to renew my current mandate for more two years.

Looking forward to seeing you in Milan!

Carla Cipolla
DESIS Network coordinator

News about the DESIS workshop at ServDES, here.